Sunday, March 31, 2013

Lesson #35 Caring for our Neighbors Farm Animals

In late December, early January, our wonderful neighbor Bob became very ill. He spent several days/weeks in the hospital, which is exhausting in its self, for both him and his equally wonderful wife Susan. Just a word about them, we love them deeply and feel so blessed to have them as our closest neighbors out here in the middle of beautiful nowhere land. We know that we can depend on them, and they us. Bob was well (in better health anyway) after about a month, and offered to take back the work of caring for the animals. It had been no burden for us, in fact, it was just the opposite. It got me out in the fresh air in the middle of winter when I would normally just be going from the car to a building. I really don't like the cold weather. It was actually a lovely thing to do everyday. Feed and love on the goats, chase and feed chickens, collect eggs, and laugh at the ducks (ducks really aren't that bright ). Evie had also really enjoyed caring for the animals and so she asked Bob if she could continue. So she has, and most days walks down to their house and barn, collecting eggs and such, she likes climbing up in the loft now to get hay, when before she was scared, and likes the chickens best. She must have missed a nest, because now a few baby chicks have hatched, and guess appears we will be beginning our own little "farm", as she is going to be bringing these babies home after we build a chicken house for them. Hmmmm...I wonder if that really was an accident :) I love living on our little (17 acres) of Earth, making lasting friendships with our neighbors, and growing as individuals in so many ways.

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