Sunday, January 27, 2013

Lesson #26 First Formal Dance- A Formal Birthday Party!

A friend of Evie's, a lovely and sweet girl, had a Formal Sweet 16 party. Evie and her other homeschool buddies went together and had a great time. It really was the equivalent of a school dance, and that is exactly how it felt when I dropped her off! I really wanted to say something don't be kissing boys outside, but since she would have been like, "MOM!" I didn't....heehe...I am glad she had this opportunity to enjoy this party and I know there will be more!

Her look was very classic and she looked just beautiful!

Evie looking all Hollywood
some of the kids out front of the building rented, Evie in the back to the left


  1. Great pics!
    Love the group one.

    1. Thanks Anne! This blog thing is hard, well it wouldn't be if I could keep up! :)
