She did it! Her first NaNoWriMo month and she completed her goal with a couple of hours to spare!
NaNoWriMo is National November Writers Month. You set a word count goal, for Evie it was 25,000 words, and if you complete it you win! There is the satisfaction of completing your goal and aside from all the free help on the website you receive, you also win 5 free paperback copies of your book. Evie has until June 2013 to send off her manuscript for printing. Obviously she hopes to have completed her book by then.
This has been an awesome experience! In October we started working through the free 130+ page young writers workbook in preparation for the writing-athon in November. It was VERY helpful. Evie has dedicated many hours and most days of the month to writing, passing over social events as needed to work on completing her goals. This IS what we did for scholastics this month. A bit of math, a bit of art, a few days with friends, and has been a part of our daily lives and conversation for the whole month.
Evie is proud of herself, she is happy to have "reached the freakin' line", as she put it, of completion on her progress graph, and she has learned quite a bit. I have told her from the beginning, with creativity half of the work is just "showing up", just committing to being present for creativity instead of waiting on inspiration to strike. Evie has been surprised by how many words she actually could write in a day when she did just show up to write at her desk, she has learned what time of day works best for her (after 7pm usually), and she is really excited about making daily writing more a part of her life. She wants to be the next
Christopher Paolini, the homeschooler who wrote Eragon at age 15. She just turned 14 last week, so she has some time :).
Below is a few pics...notice on her wall is pinned a NaNo Graph for progress, tips, % goals, daily goals graphs, ect....I am so very proud of her for taking on this challenge, and succeeding!
Evie with her Winners Certificate |
Sticking her last sticker of completion on her graph! |